January 2017, Himalayan Heroes crew ventured through the most stunning yet remote land of eastern India. Between the lost tribes of Nagaland (Head hunters) and the most isolated settlement of Tawang, upper region of Arunachal Pradesh. Two weeks motorcycling through dense bamboo forest and bone freezing cold of Sela pass whilst tackling endless bends of amazing road to Twang. It was a pure motorcycling experience to discover the authentic culture, delicious cuisine, breathtaking landscape and heart-warming people of Arunachal and Nagaland.
Our original plan was to cross border into Burma (Myanmar) from India and spend around a week to explore Burma and eventually head back to India; which didn't happen due to some political instability and we worked out the plan B, to ride around North-East of India, and it was a great decision.
Here below are few shots from our ride and ever since we have came back from Eastern India, we've been planning a new ride. Can't wait to ride there again.....